The following Trademark Usage Policy will show you the proper use of Revolt Studios, LLC. trademarks.


Revolt Studios, LLC. is an international photography company that offers photography services including but not limited to: Fashion, Beauty, Portrait, Lifestyle, and Commercial photography; Revolt Studios has adopted this Trademark Usage Policy to maintain the integrity of the Revolt Studios trademarks.

To protect our consumers, Revolt Studios works are to assure that Revolt Studios trademarks identify Revolt Studios as the source of Revolt Studios high quality goods and services. For this reason, Revolt Studios prohibits the use of its trademarks in a manner that could confuse or mislead the public. Prohibited uses include the development, adoption, or registration of names, logos, trademarks, symbols, phrases, brands, domain names or other business, product or service identifier that could be confused with any of Revolt Studios trademarks.

Revolt Studios trademarks may be used for journalistic purposes, to refer to Revolt Studios or Revolt Studios goods and services, or other non-commercial purposes as long as this Trademark Usage Policy is strictly followed. Any commercial use of the Revolt Studios trademarks must be specifically granted by Revolt Studios through a written agreement.

Revolt Studios may replace, update or modify our trademarks or this Trademark Usage Policy at any time. Please check our Web site frequently for changes. We appreciate your cooperation.


Revolt Studios requests that you observe the following principles when using our trademarks:

Maintain the Integrity of Our Trademarks. Any use of the Revolt Studios trademarks must not disparage Revolt Studios or its trademarks, goods or services.

Clearly Identify Sponsorship or Endorsement. Use of the Revolt Studios trademarks must not mislead the public as to an organization’s affiliation with Revolt Studios or Revolt Studios sponsorship or endorsement of a company and/or products or services.

Apply the Trademark and Service Mark Symbols Correctly. Always use the registered trademark and service mark symbol “®” when referring to our registered trademarks. Use the unregistered trademark symbol “TM” when referring to our unregistered trademarks. You must use the proper symbol with each of our trademarks, and apply the symbols consistent with these Policy instructions, in every copy of communication, document, packaging or other material in which our mark appears, regardless of the medium.

Connect our Trademarks with Revolt Studios, LLC. Always provide the following notice at least once within each copy of the communication, document, packaging or other material referencing any Revolt Studios mark:

[Identify mark(s) used] [is a trademark/are trademarks] of Revolt Studios, LLC. For example: Revolt Studios™ is a trademark of Revolt Studios, LLC.

Keep Revolt Studios Trademarks Clear, Separate and Distinct. The Revolt Studios trademarks must be used separately from other logos, trademarks or service trademarks, and may not be used as part of the name for any other organization or its products or services. No one, not even a licensed partner of Revolt Studios, may use a name for itself, its products or services that incorporates, or is confusingly similar to, any Revolt Studios mark. Another company’s mark can be used in context with a Revolt Studios mark to indicate a relationship between Revolt Studios products and services and those of the other company (e.g., Acme Systems® utilizes Revolt Studios™ photography).



The following general guidelines should assist you with basic questions regarding the use and appearance of the Revolt Studios trademarks. Please contact us directly for any specific questions or to set up a licensing agreement.

  1. Revolt Studios Trademarks and Logos
    Revolt Studios current registered (“®”) and unregistered (“TM”) trademarks and logos are listed as follows:

Revolt Studios

  1. Presentation of Trademarks
    The revolt trademark must be presented with a lower-case word “revolt”. Revolt Studios trademarks should be used in their exact form — neither abbreviated nor combined with any other word or words.
  2. Colors
    CMYK Color Values
    BLACK: C:75 M:68 Y:67 K:90
    WHITE: C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0


4.. Trademark Symbols
Use the “®” and “TM” Symbols as Applicable

When referring to Revolt Studios:
Use this symbol:

Registered trademarks ®
Unregistered trademarks TM
  1. Apply the Trademark Symbols in the Correct Places
    The appropriate trademark symbol must be used the first time a mark appears in a document, communication, or advertisement and in all prominent appearances of a mark.
  2. Apply the Trademark Symbols in the Correct Places
    Text: The appropriate trademark symbol must be used the first time a mark appears and in all prominent appearances of a mark.

Packaging and other uses: The appropriate trademark symbol must be used every time the trademark appears.

  1. Proper Use of Word Trademarks
    Separate Our Trademarks from Others’ Trademarks: Revolt Studios trademarks must be used alone, without other logos, trademarks or service trademarks. They may not be combined with others’ trademarks. However, other logos or trademarks can be used in connection with Revolt Studios trademarks when indicating a relationship between Revolt Studios, its products or services and another party or its products or services.
  2. Proper Use of Name
    Always use the full, proper trademarked brand names in all communications. For example:
Incorrect Use Correct Use
REVOLT, revolt, Revolt Studios, Revolt Studios™
revoltstudios, revolt™™



  1. Distinguish Our Brand Names from Our Corporate Name
    A trademark is used to identify a brand. A trade name is a corporate name used to identify an organization or company. “Revolt Studios” can be used as a trademark or a trade name. Use the appropriate trademark symbol when using “Revolt Studios” as a trademark to identify the source of one of our products (e.g., “the Revolt Studios™”). You do not need to use a trademark symbol when using “Revolt Studios” to generally refer to our company, Revolt Studios, LLC.
  2. Trademarks within Revolt Studios Software
    Our trademarks are present on a number of components within our end-user software programs. These trademarks may not be removed or altered.
  3. Third Party Trademarks
    Some of Revolt Studios products include technology used under license from third party licensors. You may not use any such third party trademarks without express permission from the owner.

Do not use another company’s trademark to show endorsement, approval or an association with that company without its written approval.


Revolt Studios tries to make its trademark policy as clear and comprehensive as possible. If you’re considering a use of a Revolt Studios trademark, and you’re unsure whether that use would run afoul of Revolt Studios guidelines, feel free to contact us and ask. Please keep in mind that Revolt Studios receives lots and lots of similar questions, so please review all available documentation before contacting us. For inquires email

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